About Amy Adele

After much prayer my husband and I believed God wanted us to pursue this project. We spent the following 18 months planning and organizing this online business and on November 15, 2005, amyadele.com was launched. In less than a month my husband and I were up late every night folding cards and packaging orders.
Since the beginning I have been able to work from home and be with my children. My husband has come on board to run the business production and we also added one more little kiddo to our family - our son, who was born two months premature. You can look back at our blogs and follow his journey to date. I am still involved on a daily basis.
I never imagined God would lead us on this adventure. However, I am thankful my art has been a part of so many lives. We look forward to what's in store for the coming years. May God bless you as you follow Him and find His adventure for your life.