That ought to make you moms with boys out there happy! Please pray for Amy's family as "Corban" was born two months early - and at 2 weeks old now, he's just under 3 pounds! He's a fighter though - he'll have to be with two older sisters at home waiting to introduce him to the world of Webkinz®. We'll keep you updated on him as we all find out, but it makes for some exciting times here around the office! As you all know, we are an online stationery & invitation retailer. Thankfully we have many loyal friends out there who love Amy's artwork and have been sharing their lives with friends and family with our personalized stationery for almost 4 years. Hopefully this blog will give you all a little insight into the world of Amy Adele like you've never seen it before. We'll have pictures, new products (before you can see them ANYWHERE else!), coupons and "competitions." (Like Whitney's weekly dance grooves!) You should actually be on the lookout for the last few Easter Eggs right now with coupons in them! We still haven't had any claimers to the $100 coupon...go know you're wanting to get up and go out to the mailbox and see if it's in yours. It's ok I'll wait here....Amy's 3rd child (and first son) just arrived!