Friday Amy Update: Things to Pack on a Mission Trip

Our daughter, Emily, is leaving for a mission trip! This Saturday, she is traveling with a small team from our church to Allendale, SC. It won’t be as far away from home as her previous trips to Ecuador and Guatemala, but she is so excited! She loves going out and helping others no matter where they are. She even thinks she may want to do this sort of thing as an adult one day. This is definitely her niche.


So, now we are in packing mode. I don’t know how many of you have had to help your kids pack for an overnight trip like this one, but we are ALL about lists in this house, well… I am anyway. I love to make lists and check them off! So I make my kids make lists too. :) Emily is a great packer. Still, I'll make sure she remembers certain things (for my own sake).

Things to Bring on a Mission Trip

  1. Clothes for yard work related tasks-work gloves too
  2. Clothes for spending time with the kids in Allendale
  3. Bug Spray and sunscreen
  4. More Bug Spray (2xs- it must be really buggy down there… yikes!)
  5. Towel
  6. Snacks
  7. Air Mattress with sleeping bag/sheets
  8. Pillow
  9. Shower shoes
  10. Bible and Pen
  11. Water Bottle
  12. Khakis and collared shirt (or the female equivalent) for Sunday Church service

On the packing list that we received it said "Work clothes (Girls need to wear appropriate shorts. No specific rule, modesty is the goal, so choose wisely.)” I was impressed by how they phrased that touchy subject of modesty and was not legalistic about it.


I think I’ll have her bring an extra towel. When we went to camp a few weeks ago, I remember thinking an extra CLEAN towel would’ve been comforting after all the sweat and dirt I saw on myself. :) The snacks are a priority. We discovered only a few months that Emily is intolerant of gluten and dairy. Because we found this so recently, it may be a little tricky as far as her meals go on this trip. The staff who is organizing everything have been more than generous in working with us to get her the food she needs. We will be packing some extra gluten free snacks to fill in the gaps, just in case. I can rest assured that she will have what she needs and is in great hands with the team, so now I am just going to look forward to when she comes back to tell me all about it. Good Luck, Emily!!

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